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Cowichan Valley Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Cowichan Valley organiser on: 2020-04-06


Cowichan Valley Green Drinks

No events until further notice due to Covid-19.

Venue: Craig Street Brew Pub (2nd or 3rd floor), 25 Craig St, Duncan, BC

Contact: greendrinkscowichan@gmail.com

Cowichan Valley Green Drinks are held monthly!





What is it? Cowichan Valley Green Drinks is a monthly event for socializing and professional networking with people involved in the environmental field. Green Drinks happens in cities all over the world. We are pleased to be able to host this event right here in the valley!

Why do we do it? Green Drinks is a chance to get together in a social setting and meet like-minded people, make friends, learn about interesting projects and organizations in the valley, and discuss and collaborate on projects.

Who is it for? This event is geared towards individuals with an interest in the environment – from businesses, not-for-profits, government, academia or other. It is open to everyone and we will actively welcome newcomers. We encourage everyone planning to attend to invite their friends, family members and colleagues. The more diverse our group the more interesting our events will be.

How does it work? The majority of the of the night will have no set agenda and be open for socializing and networking. Remember to bring your business cards! Every month, we hope to have a sponsor from a local/regional organization or business. Sponsors will be given a small block of time to talk about who they are, what they do, how they are involved with the community, exciting and meaningful projects, and current/future volunteer or employment opportunities. We feel that this is an excellent opportunity to spread awareness of what goes on in the valley.

Should I RSVP? It is not necessary but it is appreciated.

How long have we been doing this? The first Cowichan Valley Green Drinks was held on February 15, 2017.

Typical turnout? 15 to 20 people... and growing!

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